ADA Carbon Solutions
Albany & Eastern Railroad Company
Ameren Corporation
American Electric Power
American National Soda Ash Corporation
American Petroleum Institute
ARCO Chemical
Argus Media
AV Group
BHP Billiton
Black Hills Corporation
Botswana Ash (Pty) Ltd.
Bunge USA
Celtic Logistics
Cenovus Energy
CF Industries
CFE International
ClipperData LLC
Cloud Peak Energy
Coalspur Mines Ltd.
Constellation New Energy
Daishowa-Marubeni International Ltd.
DLA Piper
Engelhard Corporation
Entergy Corporation
Enviva Biomass
Equistar Chemicals
ERCO Worldwide
Exelon Corp.
Exxon Mobil l Oil Corporation
Fibreco Export, Inc.
First Energy
First Light Energy
Forest Products Association of Canada
Fraser Surrey Docks LP
Gainesville Regional Utilities
GE Capital
GenOn Energy
Global Partners LP
Grande Cache Coal Corp.
Hanson Lake Sand
Harrison Pensa LLP
HDR Engineering
Hellerworx, Inc.
ICF International
Integro Earth Fuels, Inc.
Irving Oil
J Power
Jones Hamilton Chemicals
Keller and Heckman LLP
Kirkland & Ellis LLP
Lakeland Electric
Lodestar Logistics
Lyondell Petrochemicals
Marathon Petroleum LP
Maryland Port Administration
McKinsey & Company
McMillan LP
Methanex Corporation
Midwest Generation
Mountain States Carbon
Navajo Nation
Nevada Power
Normerica International Corp.
Orlando Utility Commission
PA Consulting
Pacific Bioenergy
Parrish & Heimbecker, Limited
Perdue AgriBusiness, Inc.
Plains Canada Midstream
Portland Cement Association
Reed Smith LLP
SCANA Corporation
Shell Canada
Slover & Loftus LLP
Snavely, King, Majoros, O’Connor & Lee
Standard General, Inc.
Stillwater Associates
Sultran Ltd.
Tealinc, Ltd
Teck Resources Limited
Tembec, Inc.
The AMS Group
The Montreal, Maine and Atlantic Railway, Ltd.
Thunder Bay Terminals Ltd.
Tolko Marketing and Sales, Ltd.
TransAlta Corporation
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Magnesium, LLC
U.S. Department of State
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Energy Information Administration
Vitol Group
Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP
Warner, Norcross & Judd LLP
Washington State Department of Transportation
Waste Control Specialists
Western Canada Shippers' Coalition
Western Fuel and Asphalt
Western Propane Gas Association
White Energy
White Oak Resources, LLC
Williams Olefins LLC
Xcoal Energy & Resources